You can ask us to restrict our uses and disclosures for purposes of treatment (except emergency treatment), payment or health care operations. We do not have to agree to do this, but if we agree, we must honor the restrictions that you want. To ask for a restriction, send a written request to the contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.
You can ask us to communicate with you in a confidential way, such as phoning you at work rather than at home, by mailing health information to a different address, or, at some point in the future, we may be able to email to your personal email address. We will accommodate these requests if they are reasonable and if you pay us for any extra cost. If you want to ask for confidential communications, send a written request to the contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.
You can ask to see or to get photocopies of your health information. By law, there are a few limited situations in which we can refuse to permit access or receiving a copy of your health information. For the most part, however, you will be able to review or receive a copy of your health information within 30 days of asking us (or sixty days if the information is stored off-site). You will be asked to pay a reasonable charge in advance for such access or copies. If we deny your request, we will send you a written explanation and instructions about how to get an impartial review of our denial if one is legally available. By law, we can have one 30-day extension of the time for us to give you access or photocopies if we send you a written notice of extension. If you want to review or get photocopies of your health information, send a written request to the contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.
You can ask us to amend your health information if you think that it is incorrect or incomplete. If we agree, we will amend the information within 60 days from when you ask us. We will send the corrected information to persons who we know got the wrong information and others that you specify. If we do not agree, you can write a statement of your position and we will include it with your health information along with any rebuttal statement that we may write. Once your statement of position and/or rebuttal is included in your health information, we will send it along whenever we make a permitted disclosure of your health information. By law, we can have on 30-day extension of time to consider a request for amendment if we notify you in writing of the extension. If you want to ask us to amend your health information, send a written request, including your reasons for the amendment, to the office contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.
Disclosures: You can get a list of the disclosures that we have made of your health information within the past six years (or a shorter period if you want). By law, the list will not include: disclosures for purposes of treatment, payment, or health care operations; disclosures that were made with your authorization; incidental disclosures; disclosures required by law; and some other limited disclosures. You are entitled to one such list per year without charge. If you want more frequent lists, you will have to pay for them in advance. We will usually respond to your request within 60 days of receiving it, but by law we can have one 30-day extension of time if we notify you of the extension in writing. If you want a list, send a written request to the contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.
You can get additional paper copies of this Notice of Privacy Practices upon request. It does not matter whether you got one electronically or in paper form already. If you want additional paper copies, send a written request to the contact person at the address shown at the beginning of this Notice.